Anorexia, Bulimia, Bingeing, and OSFED: More Alike Than Different

The media has portrayed the looks of the three most well-recognized eating disorders—anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder (BED)—as distinct, and judgments are often made about the severity and social stigma of each. OSFED, which stands for “other specified feeding and eating disorder,” is the catchall term for behaviors and attitudes almost fit one of the other three. It, too,…Read more »

Bingeing: a rare but serious risk

A while ago, my colleague and friend, Dr. Lauren Muhlheim, and I wrote a paper (Eating disorders and scope of competence for outpatient psychotherapists). While researching potential medical consequences of different eating disorder behaviors, we came across something that is supposedly not common and there is very few articles on it: acute massive gastric dilatation.…Read more »