Are Mental Health Statistics for Eating Disorders Accurate?

“I might have a little disordered eating, but I don’t think it’s an eating disorder”(when it is an eating disorder). “I throw up sometimes to manage my weight, but it’s not a big deal.” These types of comments often come up in therapy and in common conversations. A 2023 review by Miskovic-Wheatley and colleagues synthesized a decade’s worth…Read more »

Study Finds Eating Disorders in Older Cancer Survivors

Research published in the Journal of Eating Disorders on December 24, 2021, “Case Reports of New-Onset Eating Disorders in Older Adult Cancer Survivors,” counters the popularly held belief that young people exclusively suffer from these illnesses. Further, considering the mental and physical dedication it takes to become a cancer survivor, it also spotlights the heartbreaking influence of…Read more »

Duration Until Recovery

While reading about treatment guidelines for eating disorders, I ran into this fairly recent study on the duration until recovery from eating disorders. Try to take a breath before you read this next part, the quote from an article, Clinical Approach to Eating Disorders: An Update, by Hay and published in 2020. EXCERPT “Research supports…Read more »

Bingeing: a rare but serious risk

A while ago, my colleague and friend, Dr. Lauren Muhlheim, and I wrote a paper (Eating disorders and scope of competence for outpatient psychotherapists). While researching potential medical consequences of different eating disorder behaviors, we came across something that is supposedly not common and there is very few articles on it: acute massive gastric dilatation.…Read more »

On the pursuit of muscles

Today, I find myself reflecting on a story from yesterday’s workshop on males with eating disorders. There was a personal trainer, “Zyzz,” who had a solid social media following. He LOOKED healthy and many seemed to desire his physique. So many emulated the practices Zyzz shared with the public. Zyzz had a heart attack in…Read more »