2 Concepts That Bolster the Understated Skill of Leadership

As we all know and probably have experienced, a good boss can make a “meh” job a joy. On the other hand, a challenging relationship with a boss can crash our self-esteem and mental health.

I recently attended a workshop on leadership facilitated by a colleague, Robyn Caruso. Since I’m in the position of a leader at times, I wanted to learn more about leadership.

Many of us are put in positions where we are in charge of others. Unfortunately, we often aren’t well-trained on what leadership is or how to be a leader who positively influences others and does the job well. I believe that we do our best when called to lead. Yet, the quality of leadership trickles down to the quality of client care. And for anyone struggling or wanting more clarity about leadership, you may find these two concepts helpful. (Click for full article)