5 Greetings for When the Holidays Don’t Feel Happy

Although “Happy holidays!” is usually intended as a kind, warm wish to another human being, it doesn’t always feel that way to receive or give. For someone in emotional pain, “Happy holidays!” can:

  • Seem like a command they’ve failed to fulfill: “Be happy, it’s the holidays!”
  • Be experienced as emotionally negating (similar to someone saying to you, “Cheer up!” or “Smile!” while you’re on the brink of tears).
  • Remind the individual that they don’t fit in with their peers’ (or the world’s) holiday cheer.
  • Cause the person to fake cheer to cover their suffering, which tends to deplete precious energy.
  • Be a painful reminder of what the person does not feel and wishes they did.

If any of the above describes your experience, hear this: – Click for full article