Is Social Media Mental Health Keeping People Sick?

When a person shares their mental struggles on social media–and I notice their followers grow in exponential jumps–my belly tightens. And before anyone reading this gets offended, yes, I agree: There are many positives to publicly sharing first-person mental health stories. For instance, let’s revisit the pandemic. During Covid, issues like anxiety, depression, and eating disorders skyrocketed. Content…Read more »

2 Self-Checks That May Improve Your Mental Health

People often believe they have mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, borderline, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But the real culprit can be their food. After 15+ years as an eating and body image specialist therapist, I’ve met many people whose symptoms (hyper-irritability, sadness, anger, mood swings, etc.) greatly improved or even disappeared once they found their best ways to nourish…Read more »

TV Therapy: Separating Fact From Fiction

If therapists seen on TV and in movies represented most real-life therapists, I’d never have become one! Granted, there are a few semi-realistic or positive portrayals on screen. But with so many inaccurate representations, how’s the public supposed to know the difference between normal and abnormal? (Click for full article)

Why So Many People Lie to Their Therapists

Humans are beautifully messy and complicated. Even when paying for their help, we don’t always share complete details with a therapist. Sometimes that’s intentional, and sometimes it comes from subconscious motives. As a longtime eating and body-image specialist, I’ve repeatedly had the privilege of listening to people talk about their reasons for not being truthful or open about eating…Read more »

The Impossible Battle: Kids and Porn

Last week, I had an interview scheduled with essayist Rebecca Morrison. We planned to discuss body image for an article she’s writing, so I did what I do: I searched the web for her previous work. The following title, published in Salon, popped onto my screen: “Why I Started Watching Porn When I Turned 50.” Huh? The subtitle…Read more »

Setting Boundaries: Self-Care or Selfish?

The person receiving your boundary may feel disappointed, sad, or even mad. However, their response doesn’t mean that what you said or did was wrong or selfish. Setting boundaries is often an act of care. What are boundaries? Why are they vital? Boundaries are limits that typically protect something. They may protect others, such as giving a…Read more »

Do You Diet to Feel More Confident?

If you “watch what you eat,” why do you do it? If you answered anything related to boosting your confidence (about looks or health), then this news could affect you. Recent research that includes data from more than 6000 participants spanning eight countries confirms: “Higher levels of restrained and emotional eating were generally associated with lower body satisfaction and self-esteem.” Whereas, “higher…Read more »

Can I Change My Partner?

In my office and outside of my work as a therapist, I notice that people often wish their significant others would change. They even take on ownership of the result; for example, they believe their partner didn’t change because they didn’t communicate well enough or didn’t stay persistent enough. Further adding to their frustration, we…Read more »

Scientific Proof That Being Hangry Is Real

A driver in the car next to yours yelled at you for seemingly no reason. Someone at the gym crankily made sure you knew they were annoyed at you for occupying the machine they wanted. A person in the supermarket didn’t return your smile; they instead threw shade at your friendliness. People appear especially thin-skinned…Read more »

Poor Self-Esteem? Try Self-Acceptance

The media and even science imply that healthy self-esteem is vital for our mental health. So, what do we do when we think we’re “meh” or not so great? Can we still live a fulfilling, contented life? As a professional mental health therapist for 15 years now and a 51-year-old human being, I unequivocally believe yes. I’d…Read more »