Therapists and self-disclosure of recovery

An ongoing hot topic seems to be eating disorder therapists self-disclosing a personal history of having had an eating disorder. Some in the field of eating disorders support this self-disclosure to clients; it can help ofter hope. Some in the field have discouraged clinicians from self-disclosing personal recovery from an eating disorder; various reasons are offered as to why.…Read more »

I am enough-You are enough-We are enough. Speech 2016.

In September, 2016, I had the privilege of speaking at the Cincinnati NEDAwareness walk and bringing #ShakeIt for Self-Acceptance! to Ohio. You can watch the speech right here (and/or selected parts are pasted below). For short (2-3 minute speeches) that help inspire about self-acceptance, visit ******** I am enough. You are enough. We are…Read more »

Bingeing: a rare but serious risk

A while ago, my colleague and friend, Dr. Lauren Muhlheim, and I wrote a paper (Eating disorders and scope of competence for outpatient psychotherapists). While researching potential medical consequences of different eating disorder behaviors, we came across something that is supposedly not common and there is very few articles on it: acute massive gastric dilatation.…Read more »