Fourth of July: On Road Trips and Food Holidays

Blog on the Fourth of July. Random thoughts, and not of the professional ilk. Though, I will tie in eating and body image issues at the end, since I usually blog about eating disorders/disordered eating.


So on this Fourth, I have a different appreciation of our Country. Just spent DAYS in the car, traveling across multiple states (CA, NV, AZ, UT, ID, MT, WA, OR), meeting people, learning about the history of the US, and feeling the pride in industries such as farming, mining, etc.

I live in Los Angeles and was born in San Diego. So any time I travel in the United States, I realize that SoCal is a bit unique in its culture, attitudes, values, PACE, etc.

In areas where the finances were not flourishing, gas station bathrooms were clean and customer service kind, gracious, and warm. One hotel made a makeshift place for us to stay since every room in the city was booked when we rolled in. The night manager left a note for the next night manager that “Alli” had called and to hold the room for a period of time since the whole town was full. We overheard the second night manager refuse someone else because they had loosely promised the room to some “Alli” who may or may not show up within an hour. WHO DOES THAT HERE?

People could tell us the history of their towns, what to see, where to eat, who to meet, what was really haunted and what was a story-spin.

People waved “thank you” when they got let in by us while driving, people stopped for others to cross the street (not at corners or crosswalks), and politeness existed on the roads. WHAT?!? We did sometimes 10 hours of driving in a day, and the only times people acted aggressively fell into CA territory. WHAT THE HECK?

I could feel values that can seem commonly not shared here by a majority.

I’m not saying that I want to move or things are better elsewhere, but there are values that I think we, here in SoCal, could be reminded of. They are good, kind, and patient values. America needs all of us. And here’s what I’m reminded of after eight states–America IS ALL of us.

To celebrate July 4th, maybe try any of the following. Let someone in on the freeway today. Do something kind. Learn one thing about where we live. Ask an elder about the advances/changes they have seen in their lives. Smile at a stranger and say “hi.”

We live in an amazing country–even with all the division right now. At the core, the very core, I still believe we are more alike than different. We want safety, purpose, connection/community, kindness, respect….

Happy Fourth of July!


Holidays are often super difficult for people struggling with eating and body image issues and eating disorders. Today may feel like torture. I get it. So I ask you, “What will it take to make today just a tiny tiny bit more tolerable?” Do you need to take some space from the chatter? Do you need to give yourself some compassion (or permission to not beat yourself up) during or after this food-focused day? Can you try to find something neutral or pleasant to distract yourself and give you a break for a few? Can you call someone you like and ask them to tell you about something interesting or just remind them you appreciate them.

Know that I know that holidays are hard. This season will pass… With work (possibly treatment if you might benefit from it), this season will pass and holidays may not always feel so painful with the food parts…

What does the Fourth of July mean to you outside of a day to wrestle with food and body image issues while others enjoy the picnics and parties?