From Idea to MeaningFULL

From idea to finished book, the evolution of MeaningFULL: 23 Life-Changing Stories of Conquering Dieting, Weight, and Body Image Issues was less than skill-full much of the time. But it got there! Around 2012. While a dietitian and I collaborated as a treatment team, we diverged from professional into personal. We shared things we wished…Read more »

Body Image Blog!

I rarely intensely focus on “body image” or “body dissatisfaction.” Why? Well, let’s think about this. If we try to find love for “it” or focus on parts of “it” or the size or “it,” I see these attempts as further splitting us from our wholeness. A body, to me, isn’t an “it” that separates…Read more »

Diet Snapshots

Interesting idea and art… Photographer, Stephanie Gonot in Los Angeles, created various photo representations of fad diets, past and present. This got me thinking–in images–about our contemporary health and diet practices in society… Imagine your own current diet-art, and take a mental snapshot. What thoughts or feelings does your image bring up for you now?…Read more »